Daily Prayer

We all want to continually grow in our relationship with Jesus, and I am going to show you how prayer can help with your spiritual growth. 



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What Are The 10 Types Of Prayer?


As I was studying and doing my research, I saw that there are many different types of prayer.


  • Prayer of adoration
  • Prayer of thanksgiving
  • Prayer of confession
  • Prayer of vows
  • Prayer of reflection
  • Prayer for healing
  • Prayer for deliverance and help
  • Prayer of intercession
  • Prayer of transformation
  • Prayer of blessing


Based on the title of each prayer you can probably determine what would be said during each specific prayer.  But I think that we sometimes over complicate things.


I guess its ok to have an idea of these types of prayers, but don’t focus on it just ensure that you are taking the time to talk to God.



What Is Prayer?


Here’s what my NLT study Bible says prayer is.  Having a conversation with God.  I love that definition, it’s not overly complicated and it’s to the point.  Have a conversation with God.


It’s important if you truly want to build a relationship with the Lord, then you need to talk to Him.  It’s no different than your relationship that you would try to build with let’s say your future spouse.


You meet someone and they seem like the type of person that you want to get to know.  How do you get to know that person?  By talking to them and spending time with them…uninterrupted. 


If you are talking to them but you have distractions all around you and you’re not really paying attention to the person, how can you build that relationship?  If everything is put ahead of them and you don’t make that person a priority in your life, the relationship will go nowhere.


Guess what? That is the same with getting to know the Lord.  You need to set aside dedicated time for Him, daily prayer.  No distractions, no interruptions…just you and Jesus. 


Getting to know Him through His word and through prayer and listening for His voice, because He will speak to you through the Holy Spirit.  But if you are not paying attention and get caught up with all of the distractions that we all face in life, how can you hear what He has to say to you? 


How will you know what His plan is for your life?  You need to become a friend of God. 


In Exodus 33:11 it says Inside the Tent of Meeting, the LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. 


That should be all of our desires.  For God to speak to us through the Holy Spirit.



Why Should We Pray Bible Verses?


I know sometimes we set aside the time to pray, and we say a few things and it would seem as if we have run out of things to say.  I have been there.  I remember when prayer time was not enjoyable to me, just being honest.  I would deliberately set aside time to pray, but I would start and just run out of things to say, or just not feel that motivation to pray.


What worked for me was using the Word of God as my prayer.  Finding scriptures in the Bible that I could pray for specific situations that I was dealing with.  I started praying the word of God back to Him. 


I was amazed when I began to search the scriptures and found actual verses that I could use as prayers for my situation.  Then making those prayers personal.  Wow it truly opened my eyes when I began to see myself or my situation in the scriptures.  It just makes you appreciate the Bible so much more.  This was one of they keys to my spiritual growth.


1 John 5:14-15

And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. 15 And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for.


So, when we pray the Word of God, we are praying the will of God. 


The amazing thing is that as I began to pray the scriptures, I could also sense the Holy Spirit begin to lead me in my prayer time.  It is truly an amazing way to pray you should add it to your prayer time.  I even use the scriptures to pray for people in my life, like my spouse and even my children.



Words Of Worship To God


Now another important aspect to prayer is words of worship to God.


John 4:24

For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”


What does this scripture really mean?  God is not a physical being He is a spirit, He is present everywhere, so the importance isn’t necessarily on where we worship. 


Yes, going to church is important and necessary according to the Word of God so that is not what I am saying.  I am just saying that yes you should worship God in church, but you can also worship Him in your home. 


The most important part of worship is how we worship, is our worship genuine and true coming from our heart.  We need to know the truth which comes from the Bible, which is why we need to be continually in the Word, reading studying and meditating on it.  Allowing it to renew our mind.


Worshiping God is giving Him honor and praise it’s fixing your thoughts on Jesus and all that He has done for you.  You can also worship the Lord by singing worship songs that give Him honor, glory and praise.



What Is Worship?


According to the dictionary worship is to honor, show reverence, to regard with great or extravagant respect, honor, or devotion. 


What happens when we worship God?  It puts the focus on God.  You begin to see how great, how wonderful, how awesome He is.  Your affection is now directed towards God no other person or thing, all the focus is on Him. 


The Holy Spirit begins revealing God’s love for you, sometimes it can feel overwhelming as you begin see how much God loves you.


But once the worship has come to an end, you should feel a change.  The Bible says that God inhabits the praises of His people.


I believe that every interaction that we have with God should bring about a change in our lives.  You should walk away feeling strengthened and rejuvenated by the power of God.  That is one way how to strengthen your spirit man.


I pray that you can see how prayer and worship can help you to grow spiritually and help you to develop a closer and intimate relationship with the Lord.


Do you already incorporate worship in your daily prayer?  If not, will you?



Prayer For Salvation


Jesus come into my heart.  I turn my back on sin and I repent, and I trust in you.  I confess that Jesus Christ is my personal Lord and Savior.  Thank you, Jesus, for saving me.  I accept by faith the free gift of salvation in Jesus’ name Amen.


If you prayed that prayer, then you are saved, congratulations and welcome to the family of God.  I will give you the advice that my pastor gave to us…pray, you need to pray which is talking to God, that is how you build your relationship with Him. 


He loves you and cares about everything that concerns you.  Read your Bible every day, find a Bible-believing church and attend, and last tell someone that you are saved.



Ephesians 1:17-19


I pray that the Lord would give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and His incomparably great power for us who believe. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.




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