
Giving You A Godly Perspective On Life Using The Bible!

18 Morning Bible Affirmations

18 Morning Bible Affirmations

July 02, 20243 min read

The Bible says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. As you read and declare the Word of God faith is going to grow in your heart and you will see a change in your life as you begin to read, meditate, and declare the Word of God!

What Does The Bible Say About The Renewing Of Your Mind?

Romans 12:2 NLT

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


How do you renew your mind?  Your mind is renewed by the Word of God. You can begin renewing your mind by reading and studying, but we must not forget to speak the Word of God.  You need to start saying what the Bible says about you.  Use Biblical affirmations to declare over your life.


Start first thing in the morning.  Start speaking the Word of God out loud. That way you can hear it, which will build up your faith, and the devil will hear it and he will back off once he knows that you know what the Bible says, he can’t mess with you.  There are Bible affirmations that you can say each morning.


As you continue to repeat these powerful declarations from the Bible you will begin to agree with them, and the way you think will change, then the way that you speak will change.  You will see a turnaround in your life.


I speak from experience. As I began to read the Bible, then study and meditate on it, I deliberately began to declare it, not just in the morning but at any time of day. My attitude changed, I was no longer feeling weak.  I began to feel strong because I began to believe what the Bible said about me. 


As you begin to do this, the same thing will happen to you in Jesus' name!

What Are Positive Affirmations To Say Each Morning?

18 Morning Bible Affirmations


Proverbs 4:20

I attend to the Word of God. I keep it in the midst of my heart. It is life to me and health to my flesh.


Luke 1:26-38 & Matthew 6:10

Lord, not my will but thine be done. Whatever you have planned for me today I submit to it. Today I walk in your plan for my life.


Deuteronomy 14

I am the head and not the tail

I am above and not beneath

I am the lender and not the borrower

I am blessed

I have favor


2 Corinthians 10:5

I destroy every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. And bring my thoughts into the obedience of Christ.


Galations 5:6

I walk in the Spirit and do not do what my flesh wants me to do.


Proverbs 31

I am strong and energetic.


Isaiah 8:18

I am made for signs and wonders.


1 John 4:4 & Romand 8:37

Today I will overcome and conquer any obstacles I may face.


Philippians 2:5

I have the mind of Christ.


Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.


Jeremiah 29:11

The Lord has given me a good future and hope.


3 John 2:2

I prosper and am healthy.


2 Corinthians 5:7

I walk by faith and not by what I see or feel.


Job 32:8

God has given me a spirit of intelligence.


I pray that these powerful declarations from the Bible will be a blessing to you. I pray that you will see a positive change in your life as you speak these positive affirmations using Bible verses.  Start decreeing and declaring these over your life today and you will experience the change!

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