FREE eBook - How To Study The Bible

Learn How To Study The Bible!

"A Simple Way To Study The Bible So You No Longer Have To Deal With The Frustration Of Not Understanding God's Word."

Do you want to study the Bible, but don't know where or how to start?

If that's you then I have written this Free How To Study The Bible eBook just for you!

Hello, my name is Nichole, I'm a Christian that has been able to overcome the frustrations of studying God's Word and I want to ask you a question-

Do you feel frustrated when you try to study the Bible?

Do you want to spend time studying the Bible, but don't know where to start?

You love the Lord and want to have a deeper relationship with Him?

You want to know what God is saying to you through His word?

If That's You, I Have Written The "How To Study The Bible eBook" Just For You.

Let's talk about life.

You Want To Understand God's Word

You Want To Grow Spiritually

And You Can!

A Simple Way To Study The Bible So You No Longer Have To Deal With The Frustration Of Not Understanding God's Word.

I have been studying the Bible for years now, but it always felt complicated and I didn't have any direction in my Bible study time.

It felt hard, it felt boring, I was just doing it because I knew that was the "Christian thing to do."

I decided to do research on how to study the Bible and I came across the S.O.A.P Bible study method, and that changed my Bible study completely.

And that's why I wrote the:

"How To Study The Bible" eBook, A Simple Way To Study The Bible So You No Longer Have To Deal With The Frustration Of Not Understanding God's Word.

In this 46 page eBook, I break down the S.O.A.P method of Bible study.

I also show you S.O.A.P in Action. I give you a step-by-step demonstration of my Bible study on Genesis 3:1-15.

I know that it will help you as you begin to take the steps that you need to study the Word of God.

Total Value = $17

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Thank you,

Nichole (Rosemarie's Heart)

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