FREE TOOLKIT - Identity In Christ Toolkit

Learn Who You Are In Christ!

The "Identity In Christ Toolkit" encourages Christians to believe what the Bible says about them by declaring the Word of God daily.

Do you feel frustrated because you don't know your true identity in Christ?

Are you tired of the enemy telling you lies about who you are?

If That's You, I Have Created The "Identity In Christ Toolkit" Just For You.

Hello, my name is Nichole I'm a Christian that was struggling with my identity. Through Bible Study and prayer and declaring Bible Affirmations, I have been able to understand and see who God says I am.

Let's talk about life.

You Want To Know Your True Identity

You're Tired Of Believing What The Enemy Says About You

It's Time You Knew What God Says About You!

I remember thoughts that would come into my mind and believing them and feeling down about myself as if I was no one and I had no purpose.

That was satan trying to tell me lies, that I actually believed for a while. I didn't have a complete identity crisis, but I was questioning who I was and what I was created for.

The enemy wants us to feel unloved and to believe that lies that He tells us. That is why it's so important to know what the Bible has to say about you.

As I soon realized it wasn't about my own words that I would speak to the enemy, it was about speaking the Word of God to the enemy that would cause him to have to back down.

That's when I began to declare the Word of God over my life and not be pulled in by what the enemy would say about me.

That's when I began to see the difference, I began to have confidence and I felt empowered not in my own abilities, but through knowing who I was and the power that I had according to the Bible.

And that is exactly what I want to give to you. That's why I created:

The "Identity In Christ Toolkit" that encourages Christians to believe what the Bible says about them by declaring the Word of God daily.

When you get my "Identity In Christ Toolkit" you will get:

Spiritual Affirmations 8x10 Printable- This provides you with 4 powerful declarations that you can speak over your life daily. Print it and frame it so that it will always be visible to you or print and color. ($7 value)

4 Faith Affirmations Bookmarks– Beautiful black and white bookmarks that can be colored or left as is, always be reminded that you were fearfully and wonderfully made by God. ($3 value)

Psalm 139:14 8x10 Printable– This gorgeous print is a perfect addition to any home decor and the best thing about it is that it reminds you of who you are in Christ. Print it, color it, or frame it as it, it is beautiful in black and white. ($7 value)


Yours Today = FREE

This toolkit is valued at $17-

But when you get it today, you will get it FREE OF CHARGE-

But this is only for a limited time.

Thank you,

Nichole (Rosemarie's Heart)

Get Your Free Toolkit Now!

Find Out Who You Are According To The Bible

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