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How To Pray The Scriptures Step-By-Step

Learn How To Pray The Scriptures!

Do you feel frustrated with your prayer life?

Do you want to spend time in prayer, but just don't know what to say?

You love the Lord and want to have a deeper relationship with Him?

You want to pray according to the will of God for your life?

If That's You, I Have Created The "How To Pray The Scriptures Step-By-Step Guide" Just For You.

Hello, my name is Nichole I'm a Christian that has been able to overcome the frustrations of having an unfulfilled prayer life!

Let's talk about life.

You Want To Spend Time In Prayer

You Want To Pray According To The Will Of God

And You Can!

The How To Pray The Scriptures Step-By-Step Guide that empowers Christians to learn the basic steps of praying the scriptures, so they no longer have to deal with the frustration of not knowing what to pray.

When you get my "How To Pray The Scriptures Step-By-Step Guide" you will get:

How To Pray The Scriptures Step-By-Step Checklist- This checklist empowers Christians to learn the basic steps of praying the scriptures so they no longer have to deal with the frustration of not knowing what to say. ($15 Value)

How To Stop Worrying After You Pray Guide– This 20-page guide will provide you with scripture-based inspiration that will help you to feel confident after you pray. ($18 Value)

Printable Prayer Journal PDF– This 4-page beautiful printable prayer journal includes a daily prayer journal page, a page for your prayers, and a notes page. The cover page includes scripture that will uplift and build your faith every time you use this journal. Since this is a printable prayer journal you can print these pages over and over again and organize them in a binder. ($10 VALUE)

The Power Of Praying The Scriptures Online Devotional– This devotional will motivate you to pray. ($24 Value)

Scriptures To Pray Printable– This printable will include scriptures to pray over yourself daily, I include some of the scriptures that I pray daily as well. ($10 VALUE)

BONUS – 5 Prayer Points With ScripturesThat You Should Add To Your Prayer Time Printable ($10 Value)


Yours Today = FREE

This checklist bundle is valued at $87-

But when you get it today, you will get it FREE OF CHARGE-

But this is only for a limited time.

Thank you,

Nichole (Rosemarie's Heart)

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