Have you ever felt frustrated with your prayer life? I know that I have. I felt like I was getting nowhere in my prayer life. It felt boring like my prayers had no power, I didn’t know what to say. Have you been there? Have you felt like you don’t know what to say when you pray? Well, this all changed when I learned how to pray according to the Bible, I learned how to pray scripture.
I remember when I was trying to figure out how to pray to God effectively, it seemed impossible at the time. I would sit there during my prayer time feeling so defeated, feeling like I must be doing something wrong to be in this position. I started to condemn myself because I felt that the problem had to be with me…what was I doing wrong?
That night when I was listening to an evangelist talk about praying God’s word, it was like a light bulb went off in my mind. I felt in my spirit that was the missing piece…I wasn’t praying the scriptures. I knew at that moment that I had to find out how to pray God’s word.
What is praying the word of God? I began to research and discovered the basic steps. Praying the Bible is simply using scriptures to shape your prayer.
I love to have steps that teach me how to do things. I’m the type of person that needs an explanation on how to do something for it to make sense. That’s why I came up with 3 secrets that will help you to learn how to pray the Bible.
I’m going to teach you to how to pray the word of God, so you don’t have to deal with the frustration of not knowing what to say when you pray using these three secrets.
I used to go into my prayer time, having no idea what it was that I needed or wanted from God. I never thought about it. I needed to start taking time to think about it so that I could start to pray to God effectively.
I know…this made me feel as if I was asking too much from God as if I was just being selfish. I didn’t realize that my Heavenly Father was interested in all of the details of my life and wanted me to ask for what I needed or what I wanted. This step was required so that I could begin praying strategic prayers.
How can you pray the will of God? You do it by praying through scripture. The will of God is laid out in the scriptures, it's up to us to search it out and pray it back to God.
As you follow these 9 steps it will empower you to learn the basic steps of praying the scripture,so you no longer have to deal with the frustration of not knowing what to say when you pray.
Doesn’t God already know what I need? Why would I have to tell him? Before I understood that I had to know what I wanted from God, I felt frustrated during my prayer time. I wanted to learn how to develop a consistent prayer life, but how could I when I didn’t know what to say when I was praying?
Most of my prayer time was spent feeling frustrated and defeated. I had no idea how to pray to God effectively. I would put aside time during my day to pray because I know as a Christian, I needed to spend time with God, but I knew I didn’t have a successful prayer life. There was a disconnect and a void between me and God.
I didn’t realize that I had to know what I needed and what I wanted from God. You need to have an idea of what it is that you want from the Lord before you can start praying scripture. God is all-seeing and all-knowing, He knows your hearts desires and everything that you will ever want, but you still need to ask.
Matthew 7:7-8 Keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be opened unto you. For everyone that seeks finds. And to everyone who knocks the door will be opened.
Take the time to think about your life and what’s going on, what seems to be happening that is contrary to the word of God. What about your needs? Do you have a family member or loved ones that need to be saved? Do you need a job or perhaps a car?
It’s ok to ask God for what you want. Psalm 37:4 Take delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart's desires. Knowing your needs and wants brings you a step closer to praying scripture.
Write what down? You need to write down what you have discovered is as your needs and your wants. This is a very important step. I love to write things down because it’s a reminder and once on paper I won’t forget. Secondly when I write it down it becomes something that I now want to accomplish. This step may seem insignificant, but when I did it, it was very helpful.
My prayers had no direction. It became very tiring to go into my prayer time not knowing how to pray to God. At this point, I had an idea of what I wanted from the Lord, but I wasn’t praying strategic and specific prayers. It would be like calling a friend and saying I need help, but not telling them what the problem was and what you needed them to do.
Re-visit your list that you made for your needs and wants and be descriptive. God cares about every little detail in your life. Habakkuk 2:2 And the Lord answered me, and said, write the vision and make it plain.
Once you decide to get specific about what you want from God, you begin to develop a deeper relationship with Him; it brings you closer to praying the word of God back to Him because you are trusting Him with the secret desires of your heart by being specific.
If you don’t understand God’s will for your life you can live defeated in many areas, because your prayers may be contrary to the word of God. You need to have an understanding of the scriptures and God’s will for your life.
If you are praying for healing and you pray “Lord if it's your will please heal me”, that is praying contrary to God’s word. 1 Peter 2:24 He personally carried our sins in His body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By His wounds we are healed. A praying the scripture example would be, “Lord I know that it is your will to heal me because you said in your word, by your stripes I am healed, thank you for healing me.”
Find 3-5 scriptures that support what you are requesting from the Lord. This step is essential, you need to ensure that your requests line up with God’s word. You could use the concordance in your Bible, a Bible app, or Google search to find scripture verses that relate to your request.
Don’t skip this step, it is very important. 1 John 5:14 This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. Finding scriptures that support what you are asking God for builds your confidence in your prayer and helps you to pray to God effectively.
Once you have found the scriptures that you need to back up your requests write them in your prayer journal next to your requests.
Now you get to personalize the scriptures. You are a child of God these scriptures and promises belong to you. This is such an amazing experience when you put yourself into the scripture verses. You begin to realize that God’s word is for you.
This is where you begin praying the Word of God back to Him. Proverbs 3:6 Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. Now you know what you need and want, you have the scriptures to back it up and you have personalized it, now you get to pray it back to God. You can pray without being concerned that you are praying amiss. You can pray with confidence.
Joshua 1:8 Keep this book of the law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Ask the Holy Spirit for revelation as you meditate on the scriptures.
The Holy Spirit is the one that gives revelation into the word of God. This is the only way that we can truly understand it and apply it to our lives. Meditation on God’s word brings clarity, revelation and it also helps with memorization. You need God to give you insight and wisdom into His word as it will help to guide you in your life.
Once you implement these 9 steps, it will help you to develop a closer relationship with God and you’ll no longer feel frustrated during your prayer time as you begin to pray the scriptures back to Him.
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